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Today's Quote 26 May 2024 from Angel Anne

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon, Good Evening & Good Night wherever you are in the world. Sending you love and light, no matter the time of day. May the angels watch over you always.

Self love

Today's Quote:

Silence is the language of God, all else is poor translation.


Silence: The Divine Language

In the cacophony of life, there exists a language that transcends words and speech. It is the language of silence, a profound form of communication that resonates with the divine. “Silence is the language of God,” they say, “all else is poor translation.” This statement, profound in its simplicity, invites us to explore the depths of silence and its connection with the divine.

Silence, in its purest form, is more than just the absence of sound. It is a state of being, a realm of consciousness where one can commune with the divine. It is in this sacred silence that we can hear the whispers of God, the subtle vibrations of the universe that echo the truths of existence.

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we are often drowned in a sea of words and noises. Conversations, thoughts, media, and the constant chatter of the world around us create a barrier of sound. This noise, however, is a poor translation of the divine language. It is a distortion, a static that drowns out the true message of the universe.

The divine language, the language of God, is not spoken in words or sounds. It is expressed in the silence, in the quiet moments of introspection and meditation. It is in these moments of silence that we can tune into the divine frequency, the cosmic symphony that plays the melody of existence.

Silence allows us to transcend the limitations of human language and connect with the divine on a deeper level. It is a bridge that connects us to the divine, a pathway that leads us to spiritual enlightenment. In silence, we can experience the presence of God, feel the divine energy, and understand the mysteries of the universe.

However, understanding the language of silence requires practice and patience. It requires us to quiet our minds, to let go of our thoughts and preconceptions, and to simply be in the moment. It requires us to listen, not with our ears, but with our hearts and souls.

In conclusion, silence is indeed the language of God. It is a divine language that speaks of love, peace, and unity. It is a language that transcends words and touches the soul. So, let us embrace the silence, tune into the divine frequency, and listen to the language of God. For in silence, we can find wisdom, peace, and a deeper connection with the divine. All else, indeed, is but a poor translation.

Love, Light, Peace & Joy

Angel Anne


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