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Today's Quote July 9 - 2024 from Angel Anne

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon, Good Evening & Good Night wherever you are in the world. Sending you love and light, no matter the time of day. May the angels watch over you always.

Self love

Today's Poem:

Everything easy after it’s done;

Every battle’s a “cinch” that’s won;

Every problem is clear that’s solved.

The earth was round when it revolved!

But Washington stood amid grave doubt

With enemy forces camped about;

We could not know how he would fare

Till after he’d crossed the Delaware.

Though the river was full of ice

He did not think about it twice,

But started across in the dead of night.

The enemy waiting to open the fight.

Likely feeling pretty blue,

Being human, same as you.

But he was brave amid despair,

And Washington crossed the Delaware!

So when you’re with trouble beset,

And your spirits are soaking wet.

When all the sky with clouds is black,

Don’t lie down upon your back.

And look at them. Just do the thing;

Though you are choked, still try to sing.

If times are dark, believe them fair,

And you will cross the Delaware!

by Joseph Morris

Crossing the Delaware: Lessons from Washington’s Resolve

In the annals of history, there are moments when ordinary individuals rise to extraordinary challenges. Such is the tale of George Washington—a man who stood on the precipice of doubt, with the icy waters of the Delaware River before him and the weight of a nation on his shoulders.

The poem captures a pivotal juncture, where everything seemed insurmountable, yet courage prevailed. Let us delve into its verses and draw inspiration from Washington’s indomitable spirit.

The Illusion of Ease: “Everything easy after it’s done,” the poem begins. Indeed, hindsight often paints a rosy hue over our struggles. Battles won, problems solved—they appear straightforward in retrospect. But in the heat of the moment, when uncertainty looms, the path forward is obscured. Washington knew this well.

The Earth’s Round Revolution: “The earth was round when it revolved!” proclaims the poem. A seemingly simple truth, yet it underscores the importance of perspective. Washington faced a revolution—a turning point in history. The world watched, and he grappled with doubts. Was victory possible? Could he lead his troops across the treacherous river?

The Desperate Crossing: The Delaware River, swollen with ice, stood as a formidable barrier. The enemy camped on the other side, waiting to strike. Washington’s decision was not made lightly. He didn’t deliberate endlessly; he acted. In the dead of night, he embarked on that perilous crossing. Fear gnawed at him, but bravery held sway.

The Human Struggle: “Being human, same as you,” the poem reminds us. Washington wasn’t a demigod; he felt fear, uncertainty, and weariness. Yet amid despair, he clung to purpose. He didn’t lie down upon his back, defeated by the storm. Instead, he looked at the clouds—the metaphorical tempests—and resolved to do the thing.

The Song of Resilience: “Still try to sing,” the poem urges. Imagine Washington, chilled to the bone, wet boots clinging to the boat’s edge. He didn’t break into song, but he sang within—the anthem of resilience. His actions spoke louder than any melody. He believed that even in darkness, fairness awaited.

Crossing the Delaware: And so, Washington crossed. The icy waters didn’t part like the Red Sea, but he forged ahead. His bravery echoed through time, a beacon for those facing their own rivers—literal or metaphorical. When trouble besets us, when skies darken, we remember: “You will cross the Delaware.”

Our Own Rivers to Cross: We all have our crossings—our battles, our doubts. Perhaps not on a grand stage, but within our hearts. When adversity swirls, let us channel Washington’s spirit. Look at the clouds, feel the chill, and sing. For beyond the river lies possibility, and within us, the courage to navigate it.

So, when life’s currents surge, remember the Delaware. Be brave amid despair. Cross your own icy waters. And believe that even in the darkest hour, fairness awaits.

Love, Light, Peace & Joy

Angel Anne



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