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Today's Quote 2 May 2024 from Anoulla

Good Morning, Good Day, Good Afternoon, Good Evening & Good Night wherever you are in the world. Sending you love and light, no matter the time of day. May the angels watch over you always.

Good Morning

Today's Quote:

May your morning be as refreshing as a cool breeze and your day as invigorating as a walk in nature.

Angelplace on Earth

This sentence is a form of a blessing or a wish for someone.

“May your morning be as refreshing as a cool breeze”: This part of the sentence is wishing that the person’s morning is as refreshing, pleasant, and calming as a cool breeze. It’s a metaphorical way of hoping that the person starts their day in a positive and rejuvenating manner.

“and your day as invigorating as a walk in nature”: This part is extending the wish to the rest of the person’s day. It’s hoping that their entire day is as invigorating, energizing, and inspiring as a walk in nature can be.

So, in essence, this sentence is expressing a hope that the person’s day, from morning till end, is filled with positivity, energy, and inspiration. It’s a beautiful sentiment to share!

Love, Light, Peace & Joy

Anoulla's Angelplace



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