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Unveiling the Week's Mystique: Exploring the Spiritual Meanings of Days

While there isn't one universally accepted spiritual meaning for each weekday across all cultures and religions, here are what resonates to me, as for me the week days carry with them certain energies.


  • Moon's Day: Associated with intuition, emotions, and setting intentions for the week.

  • New beginnings: A good time for starting new projects or ventures.


  • Mars' Day: Associated with action, assertiveness, and overcoming challenges.

  • Taking initiative: A good day to put your plans into action and push forward.


  • Mercury's Day: Associated with communication, learning, and mental agility.

  • Communication and learning: A good day for studying, writing, and having important conversations.


  • Jupiter's Day: Associated with expansion, abundance, and seeking knowledge.

  • Growth and learning: A good day for expanding your horizons, learning new things, and seeking opportunities for growth.


  • Venus' Day: Associated with love, beauty, and relationships.

  • Connection and appreciation: A good day for spending time with loved ones, appreciating your relationships, and expressing gratitude.


  • Saturn's Day: Associated with introspection, discipline, and responsibility.

  • Reflection and completion: A good day for reflecting on the week, completing tasks, and taking care of yourself.


  • Sun's Day: Associated with rest, rejuvenation, and spiritual connection.

  • Rest and reflection: A good day for connecting with your spirituality, relaxing, and letting go of stress.

These are just some interpretations, and the meaning you ascribe to each weekday is ultimately personal and may vary depending on your specific belief system and cultural background.

  • Astrology: Some associate weekdays with specific astrological signs and planets, which can influence their spiritual understanding of the days.

  • Religious Practices: Certain religions might have specific practices or rituals associated with particular weekdays, adding to their spiritual significance.

  • Cultural Differences: Interpretations of weekdays might also differ based on cultural beliefs and traditions.

Unraveling a little history of the Weekdays: Mythology meets Language

Ever wondered why Tuesday is "Tuesday" or Torsdag is "Torsdag"?

This article explores the fascinating history of weekday names in English and Swedish, revealing a blend of mythology and language evolution. From Roman gods to Norse heroes, delve into the stories behind each day and uncover the rich tapestry woven into our calendars. So next time you plan your week, remember the hidden tales embedded in its very structure!

English Weekday Names - A Journey Through History and Mythology

We all use the seven-day week to plan our lives, from work to social gatherings. But have you ever wondered how the weekdays got their names?

The seven-day week originated with the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians, who based their calendars on the phases of the moon. In 321 AD, Emperor Constantine changed the Roman calendar to a seven-day week. The Romans named the weekdays after seven celestial bodies, mostly named after Roman gods. They arranged the days from Sunday to Saturday, naming them in the same order.

Roman Influence and Germanic Roots

Many Romance languages still use variations of these names. However, English is a Germanic language and its weekday names come from the Norse mythology of the Germanic people in Northern Europe.

Three weekdays were borrowed from the Romans

Sunday: Dies Solis ("Sun's Day") became "Sunnandæg" in Old English, then "Sunday" in modern English.

Monday: Dies Lunae ("Moon's Day") became "Monandæg" in Old English, then "Monday" in modern English.

Saturday: Dies Saturni ("Saturn's Day") became "Sæturnesdæg" in Old English, then "Saturday" in modern English.

The Norse Gods and Their Days

The remaining weekdays were named after Norse gods

Tuesday: Dies Martis ("Mars Day") became "Tiwesdæg" in Old English, named after the god Tiw (Tyr), the equivalent of Mars. It became "Tuesday" in modern English.

Wednesday: Dies Mercurii ("Mercury's Day") became "Wodnesdæg" in Old English, named after the god Woden (Odin), the equivalent of Mercury. It became "Wednesday" in modern English.

Thursday: Dies Jovis ("Jupiter's Day") became "Thunresdæg" in Old English, named after the god Thunor (Thor), the equivalent of Jupiter. It became "Thursday" in modern English.

Friday: Dies Veneris ("Venus' Day") became "Frigedæg" in Old English, named after the goddess Frigg or Freya (Odin's wife), the equivalent of Venus. It became "Friday" in modern English.


Swedish Weekday Names - Roman Inspiration and Nordic Influences

Many Romance languages still use variations of these Roman names today. However, Swedish belongs to the Germanic language family and shares its weekday names with the mythology of the Nordic people. 

Yet, three names draw inspiration from the Romans

Söndag: The Roman "Dies Solis" ("Sun's Day") evolved into "sunnudagr" in Old Swedish, eventually becoming "söndag" in modern Swedish.

Måndag: "Dies Lunae" ("Moon's Day") became "måndagr" in Old Swedish and then "måndag" in modern Swedish.

Lördag: "Dies Saturni" ("Saturn's Day") transformed into "laugarþægur" in Old Swedish, shortened to "laurdagr" and finally becoming "lördag" in modern Swedish.

Heroic Gods and the Days of the Week

The remaining weekdays are intertwined with the Old Norse world of gods

Tisdag: "Tiwesdæg" in Old Swedish, named after the war god Tyr. He mirrored the Roman Mars, explaining the connection to "Dies Martis" ("Mars' Day").

Onsdag: "Onsdagr" in Old Swedish, named after the high god Odin, also known as Woden. He was often compared to the Roman Mercury, whose "Dies Mercurii" ("Mercury's Day") inspired the name.

Torsdag: "Þunresdæg" in Old Swedish, named after the thunder god Thor who shared similarities with the Roman Jupiter, whose "Dies Jovis" ("Jupiter's Day") laid the foundation for the name.

Fredag: "Frīadagr" in Old Swedish, named after the goddess Frigg, Odin's wife. Her Roman counterpart was Venus, whose "Dies Veneris" ("Venus' Day") echoes in the Old Swedish name.


Love & Light




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