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Property Realignment Clearing, 1 Session

30 min
100 euros

Service Description

A property realignment, clearing and healing will help you find peace at your home. We reassign your property to be what you want it to be, a safe haven and a supportive space. Realigning, clearing, healing, reassigning your property means that negative entities will be removed and escorted to where they belong, negative energies will be released and removed, you will feel a refreshed energy in your home and environment. Portal ways and gateways that act as doorways for entities will be closed and sealed. Some people express that after a property clearing, it feels like nothing can interfere with the peace at home any more. I need up to 24 hours to perform your property clearing and we book a time for a 30 min phone call through Skype, Messenger or Zoom to talk it through.

Cancellation Policy

Read more about my Policies, Terms & Conditions at You find them at the first tab when you open up FAQ. I am available for instant calls per min or flat rate at where you can call me directly when I am online. Terms, conditions and payment from Premium Chat service goes through Premium Chat can be found at

Contact Details


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