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Are We Ready, and Why Is It Difficult to Live in the Now? by Care'n Mooney

Cosmic Guardians

Poem Living in the Now

In the present moment where I reside,

Why does the magic sometimes hide?

Onto the next without a thought,

Forgetting the moment, progress is sought.

I am pulled and encouraged to take the next leap,

To ignore the deep desire to stay in mindful sleep.

In the blessed now, I am complete and whole,

Not jumping to the past or future, always in the flow.

How my mind wanders, forward and back,

Leaving me in complete “mindful” lack.

Forward and back, society says, to complete their game,

But mindful being is where I remain.

As my thought’s focus, the meaning is clear,

Forgetting my teachings, from the future I steer.

For in the oneness and the now of the mind,

I am free and confident, this gift sublime.

I choose to be one with the now,

Forever divine existence shows the way to the how.

The joy of accomplishments, staying in the flow,

Are among the gifts of being in the glow.

The present moment, so full of potential,

This is where I shall stay, for it is essential.

© Care’n Mooney 4/25/24

Are We Ready, and Why Is It Difficult to Live in the Now?

How do we learn to live in the present moment? What does it feel like, and what can we achieve when we do? As infants and young children up to about six years old, we exist in the now; all time and space are encapsulated in that immediate moment. We don’t grasp the concept of tomorrow unless it’s framed in terms of immediate actions, such as “Now you will go to sleep, and when you wake up, it will be tomorrow.”

Our perception of time is limited to the present. Our reality is the now; we don’t comprehend future playtime unless it’s explained through sequential events like eating lunch and taking a nap before play. For us, playtime never ends; we pick up right where we left off without any delay in our understanding of time, giving our undivided attention to the present because we are fully immersed in it.

Living in the Now

There are moments when we enter the now, often described as being ‘in the zone,’ where we can shut out everything else and focus solely on the task at hand. Time seems to stand still. We can remain in this state for hours, and only when the spell is broken do we realize how much time has passed. This is the physical experience of living in the now.

How did we transition from being fully absorbed in our activities to only occasionally experiencing the now? Over the years, we’ve been influenced by teachers, parents, and friends who have encouraged us to conform to societal norms. We’ve been taught to be productive, to avoid wasting time, to stop daydreaming. We’re conditioned to keep moving forward, to rush through relationships and tasks, and to move on to the next project without pause. This programming is so ingrained that it feels like part of our DNA, driving us to be ‘productive’ in the real world.

Yet, living in the now offers a healthier experience and connects us to a higher consciousness, the source of intuition, inspiration, and brilliant ideas. Society pressures us to be hyper-productive, to acquire material possessions and success while sacrificing human and divine connections.

The Power of the Present Moment

When we are present and calm, extraordinary thoughts and ideas emerge. Meditation opens us to the vastness of the void, the realm where healing, creation, and awareness begin. In this state of oneness and complete consciousness, all things become possible. This is the true benefit of embracing the present.

What prevents us from living in the now?

Fear of the unknown, the belief that we won’t achieve anything, and guilt for allowing ourselves to daydream. Consider the mathematician who, stumped by a problem, took a walk on the beach. Immersed in the sensory experience of the sea, he inadvertently drew the infinity symbol in the sand with his foot, sparking a breakthrough in his work with time.

By breaking free from past programming, we become limitless and embrace the childlike wonder of the now. Stepping out of the past and into the present allows the future to unfold naturally, without our interference. Rushing through life causes us to miss out on 90% of the information available to us—wisdom the universe is eager to share.

As we did in childhood, living in the now allows us to experience life fully, without the constraints of time. By giving ourselves permission to reconnect with the joy and freedom of youth, we transcend time and embrace the boundless potential of the present moment.

Embracing Life and the Present Moment

Allowing ourselves to fully experience life lets us reconnect with our essence. By giving ourselves permission to embrace the freedom of a child and take the time to feel the present moment, we move beyond the constraints of time into timelessness. We can break free from the programming and agreements that have kept us bound to the past.

Stepping out of the past and future makes the present moment the best place to be. When we rush to the next thing, we miss 90% of the available information that lies within the vastness of the now. The universe is waiting to serve us. This is where the 90% of our potential that scientists say we do not use is stored. Finding the freedom to move into the zone, the void, or the oneness—however you are comfortable referring to it—connects us to our divine link to all creation, health restoration, intuition, understanding, and the very essence of our soul.

When we move beyond societal expectations and tap into the endless creation of the now, we can create amazing and marvelous things. Connecting to the now may seem simple. Being mindful of what we are doing can put us in a meditative state that allows us to make contact with the divine inspiration called the now.

We all do it, we all feel it, and by giving ourselves permission to be in the now instead of constantly moving forward, we can grasp the meaning of why we’re here. Interestingly, preparing for this presents the conundrum of working with the now while preparing for the future. Yes, the information I was gleaning was technically in preparation for something that would happen in the future, but to tap into this information, I needed to be in the now.

What keeps us stuck in the unknown? 

Fear that we won’t amount to anything, guilt for daydreaming. Consider the scientist who, stumped with a time evaluation, took a walk on the beach. As he listened to the waves and the birds, observed all the colors, smelled the sea, and felt the breeze, he moved into the vastness of consciousness. When he moved into the now and the inspiration came, he looked down and realized he was drawing the infinity sign in the sand with his foot. It sparked a whole new awareness and opened up an amazing step in science.

Allowing ourselves to express life lets the body reconnect with its essence. Giving ourselves permission to feel the freedom of a child and take the time to feel the present moment takes us beyond time into timelessness. We can break the programming, the agreements that we made that have kept us bound to the past.

Stepping out of the past and future makes the present moment the best place you can be. When we are rushing to the next thing, we miss 90% of the available information that lies within the vastness of the now. The universe is waiting to serve us. This is where that 90% that scientists say we do not use is stored. Finding the freedom to move into the zone, the void, or the oneness—however you are comfortable referring to it—connects us to our divine link to all creation, health restoration, intuition, understanding, and the very essence of our soul.

When we move beyond societal expectations and tap into the endless creation of the now, we can create amazing and marvelous things. Connecting to the now may seem simple. Being mindful of what we are doing can put us in a meditative state that allows us to make contact with the divine inspiration called the now.

We all do it, we all feel it, and by giving ourselves permission to be in the now instead of constantly moving forward, we can grasp the meaning of why we’re here. Interestingly, preparing for this presents the conundrum of working with the now while preparing for the future. Yes, the information I was gleaning was technically in preparation for something that would happen in the future, but to tap into this information, I needed to be in the now.

© Care’n Mooney 4\25\24

I see you, I appreciate you & I honor you!

Cosmic Guardians



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