What does the word spirituality mean to you? We all have a different perception of the word that comes from our different backgrounds and upbringing. In its simplest form, it may bring to mind someone who is very devoted, someone who communes with nature, or even someone who sits on a mountaintop and meditates.
Those can be aspects of spirituality; however, let’s make it personal. Perhaps this is simply a person living their life with a deeper connection to themselves and others. Many people’s concept of a spiritual person is someone who is positive all the time, someone who never gets angry or upset, or someone who never has a difficult time navigating life.
There is so much more! Spirituality starts with being conscious and aware of untapped potential, and spiritual wisdom comes when you start living your life as you and your maker intended for you to live it.
You may begin to feel the need to embrace a deeper connection to your inner being, connecting to your higher consciousness.
Spirituality is authentic humility. Spirituality is not a badge of honor to be worn as a statement. It does not seek to be seen as something better than others. Our way to awareness can be awakened by a life-changing experience that allows us to begin to seek a deeper meaning of life. Our journey is inward and very intimate. A person who is living their life in connection with the grandeur of the spirit does not seek the limelight because the limelight will separate them from others. With spirituality, you see yourself as part of humanity, not separate from it.
Spirituality seeks great authenticity. You will know a spiritual person by how you feel when you are around them. They share joy, peace, inspiration, and unconditional love with you, without agenda, simply for the love of self and others.
The great teachers, Jesus, Buddha, and others, never said, “Look at me.” They said, “Love yourself,” and as you grow in your self-love and embrace your inner knowing and listen to your heart, you evolve into someone living and breathing the connection with spirit.
Enjoy your expansive journey. Indigenous people all over the world have lived their lives since the beginning of time, connected to the earth and nature. Being a part of the vastness of life, not just someone who happened to be on the planet at that time. They knew how to use the herbs and the plants that were abundantly provided for us, a way of life long before the modern way of healing took over.
Understanding the cycles of nature, where planets were in the sky and how they influenced this. When to plant, when to harvest, when to prepare for a natural disaster that may be coming - this was living in spirituality.
We are now longing to reconnect to the very being of who we are. We are looking again inward to connect with that true essence. As children, we looked at the wonderful world with awe and wonder. It was possible to fly, we could climb the highest mountains, we could create our dreams, we lived in the now. Where everything was possible. As we are being urged to begin the journey of reconnecting with our spiritual self, we become more mindful and aware of what we want to be, in the present, in the now.
You are no longer satisfied with mundane experiences or mediocre relationships; you start to feel that you are a significant part of a purposeful universe. Oops, you took the red pill, now you are stepping out of the matrix.
Let’s not confuse a spiritual path with a religious path. A religious person is not necessarily a spiritual person, and usually, a spiritual person does not belong to any organized religion but respects the choice of others. Spirituality does not come from religion; it comes from the soul and the spirit. It does not have a dogma or ideology; it is us simply living in spirit.
Finding your spiritual connection usually happens slowly as you begin to feel things that you were taught that just don’t fit. Feeling the need to step beyond the limitations that others have set for you.
Everyone’s experience is uniquely theirs. We may all be walking the same path, but as individuals, we have our own past within us, urging us to express it in a way that only we can.
My journey revealed to me that I came at this time to assist those who are looking for their own path, knowing that I could help one person at a time become their authentic self.
I am going to give you a list of things that I have noticed in my life since I began this journey
You find that you are happy for no reason.
You’re becoming more compassionate and empathetic.
You’re viewing life beyond yourself.
You want to distance yourself from things that are meaningless.
You are not interested in acquiring things.
You’re letting go of needing to be first and always be right.
You notice synchronicities.
You’re finding inner peace.
You don’t seem to fit in the same groups.
You begin to question your beliefs and form a new way of knowing things.
You have heightened awareness.
You have heightened perceptions and intuition.
You have more self-love.
You prefer solitude to being in a crowd.
You want to disconnect from distractions and have more focus.
You have a feeling of connecting to something greater.
You have a stronger feeling of connecting to nature.
You are living in the now.
You find joy all around.
You have more acceptance and tolerance.
You are experiencing more moments of bliss.
You’re viewing the world differently.
You see people and things more vividly.
You have a feeling of unity.
You feel closer to the divine.
You begin trusting yourself more.
You become the master of self.
You learn to respond, not react.
You find words to inspire people.
You have more integrity; you know your truth and speak it.
You take responsibility for your past and let it go.
You understand your parents and others are just people who are dealing with their unresolved challenges.
You’re learning to set boundaries.
People you thought were your friends now fade away.
You see the divine potential becoming.
People find spirituality; however, due to human imperfections, religion has become something it was not intended to be. Spirituality is not theology or ideology. It is simply a way of life, given to us by the highest source. Spirituality does not come from religion; it comes from the soul. Religion has rules, regulations, and rituals created by humans, which are supposed to help a person find spirituality. Due to human imperfection, religion has become something it was not intended to be. Spirituality is a network of linking to the oneness, the universe, and to each other.
Something to Ponder
If you can resist complaining,
If you can take criticism and blame,
If you can say you have no prejudice,
If you can forgive completely,
If you have unconditional love,
Then you have reached the same level of spirituality as your dog.
Author Unknown
I see you, I appreciate you, I honor you
© Care’n Mooney
